Peter Drucker, Management Guru
94% of Executives and 88% of Employees believe a distinct Workplace Culture is important to Business Success.*
84% of the value of S&P 500 companies is intangible. It
comes from the talents, skills, knowledge, work ethic and health of its employees.**
In contrast...
Only 19% of Executives believe their organization has a strong culture.*
Just 2 in 10 Employees feel connected to their Company’s Culture.**
Most organizations are equipped with numerous decks and documents to articulate their strategy. However, when it comes to culture, many rely merely on a webpage within their career site and intranet, which generally lists the corporate values, employee benefits, events photographs, and a handful of people initiatives.
Definition + Measurement + Rewards = Performance + Improvement
That's the golden rule. Does it apply to organizational culture?
Culture influences the everyday actions and decisions of employees at all levels, serving as an invisible yet omnipresent force. It is the determining factor in how, or indeed whether, the organization will arrive at its destination.
To ensure your organizational culture aids in executing your business strategy and achieving objectives, it is crucial to define your culture with the same level of detail as your business strategy and objectives.
Aligning the definition of your culture with your business strategy is essential for facilitating its execution. Moreover, to foster cultural improvement within your organization, it's necessary to possess the means to measure it accurately and reward individuals and departments that contribute significantly to its enhancement.
Change is the only constant—does this hold true for your organizational culture as well? When business realities shift, does your culture need a re-evaluation?
Most organizations have Quarterly Business Reviews (QBRs). How many organizations have a Quarterly Culture Review, or at least an Annual Culture Review?
Some organizations use culture measurement tools and conduct annual employee surveys. But what are these tools truly measuring in the absence of a clear definition of culture?
Without a comprehensive definition of organizational culture, how robust are the hiring decisions when it comes to culture fit? And how defensible is terminating someone for being a culture misfit?
culturepro is an innovative tool designed to unify your organization by meticulously defining your culture in alignment with your business strategy and objectives.
culturepro leverages the power of AI to help you achieve the following outcomes.
*Deloitte's Global Human Capital Trends; **Gallup Workplace Culture Survey 2023
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